For the first year of my dedicated carp fishing I was unsure on what bait to use so I tried quite a few. I tried The Cell and Fusion from Mainline and had a few fish on them but nothing consistent. I was given a bait to try by my mate Doug at TMT Baits which was a Pro-Active Pineapple with a tiger nut base which produced a few fish as well. I tried Nash Squid and Scopex, Dynamites Scource and Halibut as well as others but I just couldn't single out why I wasn't 'loving' the baits I was using.
So I took the plunge last year and decided that picking one of their baits and giving it a good try out was only the way to go! I put in an order for 5kg's of NuttaS along with some corker wafters, a kilo of 18x21mm dumbells and some liquid food.
After a quick overnighter to A1 pits with my daughter which resulted in a small common stalked in the edge and a lot of bad angling on my behalf I decided that I would spend a few hours one afternoon on a local lake in Stillingfleet. The plan was to use my usual tactics on one rod and DNA baits on the other. It was forecast to be the wettest day of the year so armed with a bucket of NuttaS boilie crumb, a brolly and plenty of PVA bags I was looking forward to wetting a line. Stillingfleet pond is not known for its big fish. Every time I have been it has not produced any fish over 10lb for me and they had all fallen for bright pops on multi-rigs, so this trip I was definitely not prepared for what happened.
On getting to the lake there were only a handful of other anglers there and they had set up on the newer side of the lake which suited me just fine as I knew exactly where I wanted to set up and the area was free of lines. I wanted to fish my normal multi-rig pop up PVA bag rig to the reeds and have a NuttaS bag with a Muzza style hookbait on a KD rig in the deeper open water. So out went the rods and up went the brolly and then all hell broke loose. I scattered a few boilies around the NuttaS bag and within half an hour it was away with a spirited little common a new bag and back out with another handful of bait. Again with in half an hour it was away with another little common and at this point I am thinking this is highly irregular for this lake, is it the bait? Is it the conditions? I wasn't sure.
Now I decide to move the high-viz pop and set that with the Muzza 14mm bottom bait and tried something a bit different on the right hand rod with a large 18mm dumbell balanced Muzza again in a bag to the same area. I had another common on the newly moved rod and as the fish was on its way home the dumbell rod rattled of at an alarming rate and as I hit the rod I knew something was very different. The rod bent double and it kitted to the tree bank on the right then came at me and back to the far reeds. After a great fight and seeing the fish on the surface a few times I was finally slipping the net under her I let out a huge sigh of relief and a woooop of excitement. As I set up the camera and scales a fellow angler came round to my swim and helped me with the fish. From a water that has not given me anything bigger than a high single fish because it, lets face it, is my back up runs water that sees more match/pleasure fishing than specimen hunters I couldn't believe it when I lifted her out of the water and weighed her at 21lb 6oz! Shocked and immensely happy!
I followed it with another high single fish before running out of bait and time. What a fantastic session! Sadly for me that was the last time before September that I managed to get back out on DNA baits. The next time I was using their new bait, the S7, which again I was feeding boilies but this time fishing just corker wafters. I had a few fish and some great action but unfortunately the big one didn't show herself this time. Now with the fish having a good taste for the DNA stable of baits then I'm sure she will grace my net again.
Since starting out with the bait in July I have used it on every trip I've been out on, obviously I am not the greatest angler in the world but have had more success than failure. Is it down to the bait or to putting something in front of a hungry carp? who can tell? All I know is the range is giving me huge confidence on the bank.
The fluro range of pop ups and wafters come in great colours, sizes and flavours. A personal favourite of mine was the Milky Malts but they have been pushed aside now by the amazing Wraysberries! Soon to be one of the greatest baits to come from the north with out a doubt.
2013 will see DNA Baits release several new concepts that are to change and evolve the way we see and use bait. There is only a bright future ahead for this company. I have 100% confidence in them and for me the first choice of hookbait will be DNA. I am not a fieldtester or consultant, just a customer who knows what I like, what I have faith and confidence in.
Whats yours?